The “MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH EXPERIENCES IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING FOR UNDERGRADUATES” is a 10-week program (from the beginning of June to early August). Each year, 10 undergraduate student will be selected for the program. The applicant qualifications can be found here.
The Texas State University’s REU site in Advanced Manufacturing focuses on three key thrust areas of advanced manufacturing: (1) advanced processes and materials; in which the goal is to develop innovative methods for optimizing advanced processes and improving the properties of advanced material (2) autonomous systems and robotics; in which the goal is to enhance the performance of autonomous systems and collaborative robots through using advanced sensor technology and machine learning, and (3) Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and data analytics in manufacturing; in which the goal is to develop novel data-driven methods for monitoring and improving the efficiency of manufacturing assets and processes. These areas are covered through 9 different projects. More information about the projects can be found here.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The students will be accommodated in one of the Texas State University’s dorms, Located in San Marcos, Texas with full meal plan. In addition to the dormitory accommodation, students will have access to the several amenities located on campus including the university library (along with the research resources and search engines), student recreation center, and an on-campus park giving home to the San Marcos river that runs through the campus.
STIPENDS: The stipends for the participated students are $600/week, which will be paid on bi-weekly basis. A one-time, up to $500 travel assistance check will be also provided to the non-Texas State University students to cover their travel expenses. Paid participants are not permitted to hold a part-time job while participating in the REU without the approval of the program directors.
HOW TO APPLY: The qualified students should apply through the application portal and submit the following documents through the portal:
- Cover Letter with research interest statement
- CV
- Unofficial Transcript
- Name and contact information for two references